Despite the cold, rainy weather outside, my heart has been filled with boundless joy this week. Changing churches is really a difficult, emotional time. For the last several months, I have felt my joy wavering, and the transition to a new church, though necessary, has been a struggle for me. This past Sunday, however, I found myself almost in tears by the end of the service. For the first time in a very long time, I felt like I was home. Because it had been such a long time since I had felt such peace and love, I had begun to wonder whether I would ever truly feel it again. God is an awesome God.
Knowing that I now have a community of people who love me and whom I love, understanding that there are shoulders for me to cry on and that I am there to support others, and listening to the wonderful Word of God preached filled me with a complete desire to get more involved in church and to be much more faithful in my daily Bible reading.
Since Sunday, I have been digging in the Word, crying tears of joy over the Word, and I am very excited. God took away, but He has given again and for that I am very, VERY thankful. :-)