On the way to the VA home that day, we drove past her house. I thought of her and smiled. Looking back, I remember thinking of how I needed to call her and how I was anticipating teaching VBS with her once more. Little did I know. How could I have known that even then, that very day, that tragedy would strike? It did.
Later that afternoon, my father, sister, brother, and I returned to the home of my mom's parents. The house was cold, silent, and dark in a way that I had never seen before. Something, something was wrong. It was too quiet. As I entered the living room, I saw Poppop sitting in Mommom's rocking chair. He never sits there. The room was dark. His face was long, his eyes were sad, and I clearly recall what he said. He looked at me and asked, "Erin, did you . . . did you hear what happened, honey?" A wave of fear broke upon me as I shook my head. Then, he told me. She was dead. I remember feeling sick, reeling from the impact of the news. No! She COULDN'T be dead! But she was. I turned and found Mommom. She was crying. So was I. She held out her arms, and held me as the three of us wept, wept for her. We loved her, oh yes we did. Whenever I went up to teach VBS for the summer, she always looked out for me, always had a kind word to say, a smile to offer. Always she was full of enthusiasm, life, and joy. Or so I thought. I don't know the full story, I probably never will. What I do know, however, is that she loved Christ, and I could always tell that she loved me. I wrote this poem to comfort myself a year ago, just after her tragic death.
A life lived for others, a life of love,
The life of a servant of God above.
A woman who poured out her life and shared
All she was. A woman who showed she cared.
A life lived for God, a life in His will.
That life left a void only God can fill.
A woman who now rests in God's glory
With a happy ending to her story:
Finally her peace and joy are complete.
Her missing presence, the lack of her voice.
Many will wonder at her final choice.
But knowing that God is sovereign still,
That He always has and always will
Work all things for the good of His people
Will help comfort those under Faith's steeple.
And let all remember this woman's life:
Good mother, grandmother, good friend and wife,
A true example of good Christian love.
Her story ends in bliss with God above.
~In loving memory of Carol Cummings
This is how I remember her. This is how she was to me. I praise God for the time that He gave me with her, for the blessing that she was in my life, and for the lessons I learned from her. Today marks one year since she left us, and though her departure from this earth was tragic, I wanted once more to celebrate her life and honor her.