Anyway, I had an amazing gospel opportunity about two weeks ago. The best way to explain it is probably to just post a copy of the letter that I sent to one of my pastors:
I work as an English tutor in the writing lab at HCC, and
my closest friend/coworker there is a Hindu woman from India named Seema. Our personalities clicked right away, and we've had a lot of fun working together. Over the course of the semester, I have had several opportunities to witness to her. Recently, I helped her proofread a paper for her religion class. She was comparing Islam and Christianity. Not surprisingly, she has absolutely no concept of sin (she asked me what I meant by the word sin), and knows nothing about Christianity except for what she learned from her research . . . and even that was seriously flawed (I was able to help her fix some of those misconceptions and help give her a clearer understanding of some aspects of Christianity).Anyway, after her paper was written, she asked me if she
could come to church with me. She's never been to a Christian service before, and she wants to see what they are like. We were discussing this again today at work when another of her
Hindu friends came in. When she asked what we were
planning for Sunday and Seema excitedly told her that she was coming to church with me, her friend (Jessica) got excited too. "I've never been to church before! I was just telling my husband that I have never been to church: not in India, not
here. Can I come too?!" All that to say, both ladies are eagerly
anticipating coming to Trinity for the morning service on
Sunday, and they will then be coming back for dinner at my house. When I left, they were both still pretty excited about coming to church. I know that this Sunday is
Mother's Day, but I wanted to let you know that two
(perhaps three, if Jessica's husband comes) raw pagans are planning to be in church. I don't know what you have planned for your sermon so far, but I would really, REALLY appreciate a strong, clear gospel presentation for these two girls who I have come to love so much. Seema is moving to Chicago
at the end of this month, so I only have a little bit of time left
face-to-face with her. I am so thankful to God for this opportunity, and I am praying that He might use it in the salvation of my friends.
After a week of much prayer in their behalf, both girls came to church with me on Mother's Day. They loved it. Although I know that much of it was probably because Hindu's tend to be very tolerant of all religions, both girls found the service to be beautiful and profitable. Jessica, who it seems will be rather lonely with Seema gone, indicated that she would like to come back again. Both were thrilled that many people came up to meet them, and they were very impressed with the church building (of which they took pictures). Once the service was over and we had fellowshipped for a while, a huge crowd of people came back to our home where, on Mother's Day, my mom served a huge meal of meatless pasta. Seema and Jessica were challenged to consider their eternal destiny, to think about the difference between the hopelessness of reincarnation and not knowing what their god requires of them and the assurance and eternal life offered freely in Christ. They were taught about sin and how nothing man, even a "good" man, can do will save him, and of repentance, and salvation. Both girls accepted everything that was said, appreciated it, conversed well with everyone, and gushed to me once I drove them back to the library where I'd picked them up. They could not get over our family, our church, and what a wonderful time they'd had at their fist dinner in an American home. Please pray for Seema and Jessica as I and others continue to share the love of Christ with them.
I am so thankful that God granted me this amazing opportunity, and that He gave me and those present that day the boldness to share the gospel with them.
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