Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Just wanted to share with everyone just how shallow I really am (and it surprised even me):

I received an informational packet in the mail from yet another company that has been informed that I am about to have a baby.  As I was reading through the information, I came across a paper entitled "Some Helpful Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Go to the Hospital."

In this section, I learned that, "If you have a caesarean section, you will be on a liquid diet for 12-24 hours after delivery."

The FIRST THING that crossed my mind after reading that statement was, "Oh please, God, don't let me have a C-section--I couldn't make it that long on a liquid diet!!"

I was dead serious.  It struck me how odd it was that, after all that I have read/heard/been taught about caesarean sections, the thing that I fear the most (should I need one, and the doctor and I are not anticipating needing one) is being on a liquid diet.  I mean, I have foods lined up for my brother to bring me while I'm in the hospital--things that I haven't been able to eat since I've been pregnant--and the thought of dreaming of a spicy tuna roll while sipping on some liquid drink was/is really depressing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Well, if it's any consolation, if you're anything like me, you won't even really have much of an appetite the first day or two after the baby's born.