Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Win Some, Lose Some

Last week, Natalie started to giggle.  It sounded kind of like a duck coughing, but they were definitely giggles.  Today, despite being very clinging, not napping, and wanting to eat constantly, she laughed for the first time without being tickled.  I was singing to her and she just erupted into giggles.  It was one of the few bright spots in my day (I think she's going through a growth spurt . . . she's not sleeping at night, so neither am I).

Throughout the  day, I kept putting her on her  back.  I have been waiting for this kid to start rolling over, and I tried (yet again) to show her how to do it.  She was stubborn.  No go.

As soon as I began to make dinner, what does the little stinker do?  She rolls over for Daddy!  Not fair!  I've been trying for a month to get her to roll over, but he just lays her down on the bed and she does it.

I suppose that I should not begrudge this "first" to Patrick since I get to stay home with Natalie during the day.  Still, I can't believe that she held out on me! 

1 comment:

a.friend said...

Parenting is a wonderful and exhausting experience. I sometimes wish I could do it all over again. Enjoy the journey my friends. God bless you.