Monday, January 16, 2012

It is Well

Once again, I find myself understanding anew the sentiments in the hymn "It is Well with My Soul."  Trials have come and sorrows like sea billows have rolled.  Through it all, peace like a river has comforted my soul, and God has taught me to say "It is well" even through the darkest of days.

Clinging to the arms of my Savior, I have learned that Jesus does indeed offer balm for the wounded heart and that His all-encompassing love brings healing when we need it most.  

On Sunday, I heard a sermon that cut straight to my heart.  In it we were told repeatedly that "the storm will pass and be over."  No matter the storm in my life or yours, it will pass.  It will end.  In the end comes the calm.  In the end comes joy.  

Psalm 30:5b, "... weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."

Our sorrows and trials probably will last for more than one night, but look forward to the joy that comes when the storm has passed and with the dawning of a new day.  

1 comment:

a.friend said...

Well said my friend. Many times I have stood in a pulpit and told the story of this great hymn. It's message is timeless. It seems we all suffer from some great weight that presses down upon us. I am so looking forward to the day when my Jesus will remove it forever and "there will be no more tears for the former things have passed away".
Keep up the good fight my friend.
God bless you,