Being a stay-at-home mom is so much better and yet so . . . different . . . than I ever expected. Don't get me wrong--I wouldn't change being home with Natalie for anything. It's just that when I was a little girl and I was daydreaming about being a mom, I never quite imagined the "bad" parts. My children were always perfectly behaved, were always happy, and our days were all sunshine and laughter. There were no nap time tantrums, no grabbing at power cords, and certainly no times when we accidentally gave a child a little too much sugar before bed, thus leading to hours of rocking a screaming, fidgeting, very much awake child.
Alas, despite Natalie's generally excellent disposition, she has been teething and clingy this past week and we did give her a little bit too much rainbow sherbet (to help her aching gums?).
This aside, I get to stay home with a usually cheerful baby. I get to cuddle her, hold her, take her on walks, sing with her, and teach her. Despite my misconceptions, being a mom is still the most wonderful calling I can imagine for myself. The "differences" (okay, okay--let's call them "AAAHHH moments") make the more joyful times even more sweet. Who wouldn't smile when looking at this face all day? I am blessed.
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