Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Do Care a Fig

Growing up, I remember helping Poppop with his fig trees.  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I recall sharing a fig or two with him . . . but that was a long time ago.  For some reason, I went through a phase where I did not like figs at all.  The sticky juice that oozed from each fig and the somewhat stringy, pulpy texture of the interior caused me to turn up my nose at the figs that Poppop worked so hard to grow and harvest.

Each winter he would painstakingly board up his two fig trees to protect them from harsh winter winds and  bitter, icy snow.  Showering those trees with love and devotion, Poppop coaxed fruit from the trees even when he thought that various damage had permanently rendered them barren.

Unbeknownst to me, his fig trees have been cared for, presumably by my uncle, during the past year and a half.  Now is the time of the harvest, and it seems that the figs are plentiful this year.  When my cousin forgot to take home an egg carton filled with ten of the ripened fruit on Friday, Mommom tried in vain to give them away.

Finally, I agreed to take them.  In my mind, the worst that could happen was that I didn't like them.  Bringing them to church would assure that someone would take the figs off my hands, especially since figs are generally so expensive.  Whether I would enjoy them or not, I was going to try them in honor of Poppop.  Since he could not be there to eat them with me, I would try to eat them alone . . . or at least taste one.

On my way home, I tentatively bit into one.  Sweet juice filled my mouth.  Surprised, I looked down at the inside of the tiny fruit and was amazed at its beauty.  A nondescript, lightly fuzzed exterior encased a golden flesh which surrounded the most vibrant hummingbird red center.  Tendrils like stamens of an exotic flower pointed their seeds toward the wine colored nucleus of the fruit.

Savoring the taste, I finished the rest of the fig slowly--making it last for several bites.  How glad was I that, upon taking a chance, I had gained a new love.  Figs are delicious, and they were even more succulent because they came from a tree that was loved by one whom I loved.  Now I have yet another wonderful way to remember the great man who taught me so much.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

100 Posts

As I come to post number 100 of my blog, a post which has been several years in coming, I am reminded that this blog has seen some of the best and worst times of my life.  Mountains and valleys, joy and sorrows, life begun and life dearly departed, free and legalistic, protected and betrayed--all of these things have swirled around me for the last few years.

Dear friends and loved ones have passed away, but new friends and cherished people have entered my life.  

My first post was less than a year after losing Poppop Leo and a beloved Christian lady.  It was during a dark time in my life.

Two months prior to the start of this blog, a relationship ended . . . and one month following this blog's conception I met my husband.

Good friends had left my life, but I was soon to meet a new friend, one whom I now love dearly, Naomi.  As iron sharpens iron, so I can count on her to tell me in an understanding way what I need to hear.

A church had been ripped from me, but a new church was welcoming me with open arms and tender hearts.

I was secretly praying that I would not have to go to college, but now I stand debt-free with a four year degree . . . and I cried when I walked across that stage.

Prayers have been answered both to my joy and to my sorrow.  God extended the life of my precious Poppop Vince and granted me the life of my daughter, Natalie, who I almost to a threatened miscarriage.

Through the highs and the lows, God has been faithful and has brought me through to where I am today.    I find myself thankful and overwhelmed by His goodness, amazed by His blessings, and smiling at His orchestration of my life.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Vacation Over :-(

Well, we returned home today from a week at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland.  With my family, we spent a week playing games indoors, building bonfires out doors, and having fun on the boat out on the lake.

While I'm sad that it's over, I am super excited to be back in my own bed tonight.  Sleeping on a futon did a number on my back, and having that futon be on a porch/sun room and trying to rest during nightly thunder storms did little to bring actual sleep.

It's now back to the daily grind, but I'm excited about it because Natalie is finally becoming a more happy baby.  Certainly she still has her difficult times, but she is actually mostly content to lay on a blanket on the floor or to sit in a chair alone as long as someone is talking to her.  I can't wait to see what this week brings.

Speaking of Natalie, my little chunkers weighed in tonight at a whopping almost 11 pounds.  That's almost a 4 pound gain from her birth weight in only 7 weeks.  Little piggy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Words Redefined by Motherhood (Part 1)


The moment in the morning after a wakeful night when you realize that your baby is not going to cry herself back to sleep so that you can catch up on your own rest (the lack of which was caused by said baby).


The moment when said crying infant smiles up at you when you pick her up to feed her.


What you feel for your pillow the few times your head is actually able to hit it at any time during the day or night.