Saturday, August 13, 2011

Vacation Over :-(

Well, we returned home today from a week at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland.  With my family, we spent a week playing games indoors, building bonfires out doors, and having fun on the boat out on the lake.

While I'm sad that it's over, I am super excited to be back in my own bed tonight.  Sleeping on a futon did a number on my back, and having that futon be on a porch/sun room and trying to rest during nightly thunder storms did little to bring actual sleep.

It's now back to the daily grind, but I'm excited about it because Natalie is finally becoming a more happy baby.  Certainly she still has her difficult times, but she is actually mostly content to lay on a blanket on the floor or to sit in a chair alone as long as someone is talking to her.  I can't wait to see what this week brings.

Speaking of Natalie, my little chunkers weighed in tonight at a whopping almost 11 pounds.  That's almost a 4 pound gain from her birth weight in only 7 weeks.  Little piggy!

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