Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Trains and Babies

Wow, a lot has happened since my last post!  We lived through an earthquake, survived hurricane Irene, and we went on a scenic train ride through Western Maryland.  Thankfully, we made it through the first two unscathed and had a wonderful time on the third.

Mommom was able to come with us on the trip, and it just felt like old times .  .  . those many occasions when she and Poppop accompanied us on fun-filled field trips.  We reveled in the blessing of her presence and basked in the fun of all of us being together as a family.


Anonymous said...

I love that in 2/3rds of the pictures I see of Patrick these days, he's kissing Natalie. I'm so happy he gets to be a daddy!

Erin said...

He LOVES being a dad! I just wish that people would take more pictures of ME with Natalie! :-)