Sunday, July 31, 2011

What a Week!

Well, I attempted to post earlier this week.  In fact, I had an entire post written out.  Unfortunately, between my internet spacing out and the blog website malfunctioning, the post both failed to post and to save.  

My ear infection was really bad, and it took until about Thursday for it to even begin to feel like it was clearing up.  I guess that the moral of the story is to get to the doctor ASAP . . . and to find a PCP (primary care physician) who will actually give you an "emergency" appointment in the morning when you call up writhing in pain instead of making you wait until that night.

Natalie seems to be doing much better--the fussiness is not as constant, and we actually have times when she will sit happily.  She's been fussy today, but that might just be because we had her out all day at Hamilton Street Festival where the 57's played.  Pictures will be below!

Today . . . drum roll please . . . Patrick FIXED MY DISHWASHER!!!  I was literally so excited about this fact that I wanted to dirty up a bunch of dishes just so that I could load them in the dishwasher and not have to wash them by hand.  Keeping a clean home while taking care of an infant is hard enough without one's dishwasher being out of commission!

Our sermon was really convicting today.  I was reminded that, when trying to win souls for Christ, it is important just to listen and to be a friend.  Instead of jumping immediately to point out the sin of others, it is vital to first show them the love of God by merely showing that God's people care about the lives and well-being of those who are not Christians.  Yes, Christianity is "exclusive" in that there is only one way to God--through Jesus Christ--but it is also "inclusive" in that we are to radiate the love which God has showered upon us to others.  John 13:35 teaches, "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  Not only do we need to love our brothers and sisters in the Lord, but we also need to love those around us.

I am making it my goal to get to know at least one person in the next month in the hopes that one soul will see that Christians love.  In my conversations, I hope to listen and care while gently pointing to Christ.  I know that I can be quick to jump to conclusions and that I have a tendency to be judgmental, so I pray that I will go into this with an open mind that I may best shine forth the light that has been given to me.

We'll see how it goes.  Whether it is going to the same cashier at ShopRite (mine is now finally open!!) every week or stopping the neighbor from the building across the street as she gardens, I am determined to step out of my comfort zone and to share the wonderful gift of God's love with others.

Patrick and Greg

Patrick and Greg

Sam, Patrick, and Greg

Sam on the Hula Hoop
Natalie and Marissa

Me and Inge Hula Hoop!
Patrick has some moves!


Anonymous said...

Yay for a working dishwasher!! Our landlord (who we go to church with) has decided to give us money towards a new dishwasher, which I'm so excited about!! I've been washing by hand almost since we moved here, and you wouldn't think with two adults and one toddler that we'd have that much to do. We do. I've seriously considered using paper plates half the week.

I love that you're trying to step out of your comfort zone with meeting and reaching out to people. I've been thinking I need to get much much better at that too. I especially neglect getting to know the young kids in our congregation. Good reminder.

Savories of life said...

Do you live in Canada? I wish our dishwasher would work. it works once then you ahve to let it rest a day befofe it works again. Come see my giveaway!